Laboratory Support provides educational and technical assistance, supplies, computers and equipment in combination with curriculum support to the Colleges of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences as well as off campus visitors. Services available include:
- Lab preparation
- Microbiology
- Pharmacy
- Cell Biology
- Neuroscience
- Hematology
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Blood Banking
- Equipment operation
- Teaching assistance
The staff is comprised of individuals encompassing several specialties including microbiologists, Medical Laboratory Scientists and computer specialists.
Laboratory Support is funded to support the purchase of supplies for curriculum dictated labs. Arrangements can be made to accommodate special applications by pre-arrangement. Most basic, scientific apparatus is available to curriculum courses taking place in the Education II building 8th and 9th floor teaching labs. Supply lists for the next semester are due at the mid-term of the present semester. Microscopes are available for lease to users outside curriculum courses.
Each of the eight laboratory spaces and three smaller classrooms are equipped to provide most technology applications. The labs can be configured to accommodate groups of any number up to 200 and the classrooms up to 140. There are a total of 308 teaching computers.